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Energy Research and Development Is Vital To America's Economic Future

Back from the International Energy Policy Conference in Denver, CO. Energy Advocates President speaks to oil & gas group on the topic of energy research and its importance in America's economic future.

Oklahoma City, OK (PRWEB) September 21, 2005 -- “America needs America’s Energy and it is time that we become less reliant on foreign sources of oil. Nothing moves without energy including our economy.” The Energy Advocates president made that statement while addressing the National Desk and Derrick Association Convention in Oklahoma City, Ok.

“As coal was the fuel of the 19th century, and oil the fuel of the 20th century, natural gas is the energy fuel of the 21st century,” Stansberry stated.

In his presentation, Stansberry said “It is time America determines its energy future not by OPEC and other non-OPEC members. America has always met the challenge. Energy research and development is vital to America’s energy and economic future.”

“Major conditions do exist including that demand for energy will continue to increase, and that our energy infrastructure is inadequate. Therefore, among what is needed includes: manpower, research and development, technology advancement, expansion of refining, and transportation distribution.”

Last week at the International Energy Policy Conference held in Denver, Co., Stansberry stated that our security, energy efficiency and environmental preservation all point in the direction of natural gas”

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